Monday, January 15, 2007

I have a dream...

that my children will ACTIVELY care about the world around them.
Lawson has a curious nature while my daughter has an extreme myopic view of the world.
We went to the MLK parade today. They were playing MLK JR's speeches through huge speakers intermixed with some instrumental Tupac. It was such a powerful scene, that left me feeling mindful of my place in the community.

I was talking to my sister about how apathetic most Americans are. Our biggest socially conscience message is a magnetic yellow ribbon we slap on our mini van.
largely as a culture we dont care enough to be vocal, to step out of our daily routines and physically do anything/something. We hope that someone else will do it.

I hope that love for Target, IPODs, Dance Lessons and Nintendo our children will develop a sense of social responsibility before its lost. I dont think Gen X has done our part and we should feel shameful.
**My son, at the parade today..not very happy with Moms new camera.


Ingrid said...

Great angled picture.

Krissynae said...

Beautiful photo. What a great truck. Love the angle

Hope said...

love the angle and the sharp colors. great pic

Anonymous said...

I love your journaling. I recently asked myself how will we raise ours to be conscience, active and caring human beings. It keeps me up at night!

Love the picture and the angle. The color really pops. Did you use an action on this picture? Well done


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