Quick post as I am about to collapse. We worked so hard to "repurpose" furniture from other rooms, finish painting, install crown molding and put this room together. My husband has got to be the most awesome man alive! Big props to Mike for putting up with my little (he-he) project. I am going to hook you up, baby!
I had this unwritten rule than I wouldn't blog after 2 am or 2 beers but I am breaking both of them this evening. I had this surrealistic moment where I had a full body realization of how weird I am. Dont get me wrong. I embrace this weirdness, in a positive way. I have this juxtaposition of personality traits: the traditional wife who believes your not a good woman unless you remove your husbands shoes and detail his boat..to this polar opposite... independent, idealist, alternative, Type A big thinker...
What triggered my coming out party of weirdness was a list I stumbled upon on MTV. com of the top songs of the year(check it out). Music is such a strong mental trigger. As soon as your hear a song you heard.. you played in the car you drove before it had car seats in it, you are reminded of who you were then. You can physically feel mental state, your youth, angst, happiness. I have always been a music fanatic. If I loved a song.... everyone knew it. I played it over and over. Whether it be a 45 single (remember those), CD , MP3 playlist. I am just a music person. Being reminded of the songs that defined me, not in there inherent content but by just the groove. I made a random list of my all time favorite albums, that pretty much sums up my "weirdness". (Links just so you could be included in my party, all radio edits, for the children )
I dont know if it was the purchase of a skirted swimdress or the disdain of driving a minivan that led me to the revelation that I am having a mid-life crisis. I just feel too normal and lacking.Its not that I am depressed ... just kind of stuck. I am in a constant state of gratitude for my many blessings, so I feel guilty for even wanting. Before I pierce something or take on a new car payment I will recommit to my exercise routine. I feel that if you are totally hot only then can you proudly drive a mini-van.
I will leave you with a link to the Newport News Shape FX line. Not only are these garments slimming but comfortable and affordable. Highly recommended. (Somehow maybe I will look as cute and young as the model in the photo)