I had a request from a friend to post an update on our bamboo babies. 11 out of the 12 plantings are flourishing. One of the largest of the black bamboo plants is not as full as the others, but have hope for him. We planted at the very end of the growing season. Bamboo usually grows in Zone 8 from about mid-March until June. We were lucky to still get one large culm which grew to 12 feet in a week. It is quite an amazing plant. Its like a pet!=) Pictured is the first site of the culm, It is about as big around as a quarter and about 1/2 an inch tall at this point.
In the foreground, you can see it at its "mature" height. Its a little difficult to see but its bright green.
Black bamboo darkens as it ages.
I will go as crazy as our Spring planting budget allows next year. Moso and Grey Ghost are my favorite species, we will be using these as our privacy fence.
*** On another note if you are not watching WEEDS on Showtime your missing the best show since Sex in the City.
We just got caught up after the DVD release of the 2nd season. It is worth the $ to subscribe to the network for this show only.